class HCL_EvalBigMFcnl_d : public HCL_EvaluateFunctional_d

HCL_EvalBigMFcnl_d is the "evaluation object" for the functional class HCL_BigMFcnl_d, which implements a "big-M" functional for the problem of finding a vector satisfying (that is, the goal is to find a point strictly satisfying )


Public Methods

HCL_EvalBigMFcnl_d ( const HCL_GenericProductVector_d & x, HCL_LinearOp_d * AA, HCL_Vector_d * bb, double M, double eps )
Usual constructor; takes (a reference to) the input vector, a pointer to the linear operator, a pointer to the right-hand side vector, and the parameters and
virtual HCL_VectorSpace_d& Domain () const
Domain returns a reference to the domain space.
virtual double Value () const
Value computes the value of the functional.
virtual void Gradient ( HCL_Vector_d & g ) const
Gradient computes the gradient of the functional.
virtual HCL_LinearOp_d* Hessian () const
Hessian computes the Hessian of the functional
virtual ostream& Write ( ostream & str ) const
Write outputs a description of the object.

Inherited from HCL_EvaluateFunctional_d:

Public Methods

virtual double ValueRef() const
virtual const HCL_Vector_d& GradientRef() const
virtual const HCL_LinearOp_d& HessianRef() const

Protected Methods

virtual void HessianImage( const HCL_Vector_d & dx, HCL_Vector_d & dy ) const
virtual void HessianInvImage( const HCL_Vector_d & dy, HCL_Vector_d & dx ) const

Inherited from HCL_Base:

Public Methods

void IncCount() const
void DecCount() const
int Count() const


HCL_EvalBigMFcnl_d is the "evaluation object" for the functional class HCL_BigMFcnl_d, which implements a "big-M" functional for the problem of finding a vector satisfying (that is, the goal is to find a point strictly satisfying ). The big-M functional is defined by

For a general description of the methods of an evaluation class, see the documentation for the base class HCL_EvaluateFunctional. See also the documentation for HCL_BigMFcnl_d.

HCL_EvalBigMFcnl_d( const HCL_GenericProductVector_d & x, HCL_LinearOp_d * AA, HCL_Vector_d * bb, double M, double eps )
Usual constructor; takes (a reference to) the input vector, a pointer to the linear operator, a pointer to the right-hand side vector, and the parameters and

virtual HCL_VectorSpace_d& Domain() const
Domain returns a reference to the domain space.

virtual double Value() const
Value computes the value of the functional.

virtual void Gradient( HCL_Vector_d & g ) const
Gradient computes the gradient of the functional.

virtual HCL_LinearOp_d* Hessian() const
Hessian computes the Hessian of the functional. Note that this method creates an instance of HCL_LinearOp_d, which the calling routine must delete using HCL_delete.

virtual ostream& Write( ostream & str ) const
Write outputs a description of the object.

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling