class HCL_ALFcnl_d : public HCL_Functional_d

HCL_ALFcnl_d implements an Augmented Lagrangian functional; it is intended for use with HCL_CMinAL_d


Public Methods

HCL_ALFcnl_d ( HCL_Functional_d * ff, HCL_Op_d * HH, HCL_Vector_d * l, double rho=1.0, HCL_LinearOp_d * SS=NULL )
Usual constructor
virtual HCL_VectorSpace_d& Domain () const
Domain space access.
virtual double MaxStep ( const HCL_Vector_d & x, const HCL_Vector_d &dir) const
MaxStep computes the longest vector from x in the direction dir that will lie in the domain of the functional, i
Table& Parameters ()
Access to parameter table
virtual HCL_EvaluateFunctional_d* Evaluate ( const HCL_Vector_d & x ) const
Evaluate creates an "evaluation" object, which knows how to compute the function value and gradient at the given x
virtual ostream& Write ( ostream & str ) const
Write prints out some useful information about the function.

Inherited from HCL_Functional_d:

Public Methods

virtual double Value( const HCL_Vector_d & x ) const
virtual void Gradient( const HCL_Vector_d & x, HCL_Vector_d & g ) const
virtual HCL_LinearOp_d* Hessian( const HCL_Vector_d & x ) const
void Scan( const HCL_Vector_d & x, const HCL_Vector_d & dx, int N, double hmin, double hmax, char * fname = NULL )
int CheckGrad( const HCL_Vector_d & x, const HCL_Vector_d & y, ostream & str, int n=10, double hmin=0.1, double hmax=1.0 )
int CheckHess( const HCL_Vector_d &, const HCL_Vector_d &, ostream & str, int n=10, double hmin=0.1, double hmax=1.0 )

Protected Methods

virtual double Value1( const HCL_Vector_d & x ) const
virtual void Gradient1( const HCL_Vector_d & x, HCL_Vector_d & y ) const
virtual void HessianImage( const HCL_Vector_d & x, const HCL_Vector_d & dx, HCL_Vector_d & dy ) const
virtual void HessianInvImage( const HCL_Vector_d & x, const HCL_Vector_d & dy, HCL_Vector_d & dx ) const
virtual HCL_LinearOp_d* Hessian1( const HCL_Vector_d & x ) const

Inherited from HCL_Base:

Public Methods

void IncCount() const
void DecCount() const
int Count() const


HCL_ALFcnl_d implements an Augmented Lagrangian functional; it is intended for use with HCL_CMinAL_d. If is a real-valued (objective) functional with domain , and is a (equality constraint) operator, then the augmented Lagrangian functional is defined by


where is the Lagrange multiplier and is the penalty parameter. This class also allows the inner product on to be scaled by a self-adjoint, positive definite operator :


HCL_ALFcnl_d has the usual properties (methods) of the HCL_Functional_d base class; the documentation of the base class should be consulted for more information.

HCL_ALFcnl_d( HCL_Functional_d * ff, HCL_Op_d * HH, HCL_Vector_d * l, double rho=1.0, HCL_LinearOp_d * SS=NULL )
Usual constructor. The arguments are: a pointer to the objective functional, a pointer to the constraint operator, a pointer to the (initial) Lagrange multiplier, (optionally) an initial penalty parameter, and (optionally) a pointer to a self-adjoint positive- definite linear operator , used to scale the inner product on the constraint space. The default value for the penalty parameter is . Note that the penalty parameter can be updated using the Parameters() method as follows: Parameters().PutValue( "PenParam",newvalue );

virtual HCL_VectorSpace_d& Domain() const
Domain space access.

virtual double MaxStep( const HCL_Vector_d & x, const HCL_Vector_d &dir) const
MaxStep computes the longest vector from x in the direction dir that will lie in the domain of the functional, i.e. it computes the greatest such that lies in the domain.

Table& Parameters()
Access to parameter table

virtual HCL_EvaluateFunctional_d* Evaluate( const HCL_Vector_d & x ) const
Evaluate creates an "evaluation" object, which knows how to compute the function value and gradient at the given x

virtual ostream& Write( ostream & str ) const
Write prints out some useful information about the function.

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling